About Us
Girlguiding Sussex East is a part of the Girlguiding London and South East Region (LaSER) which is divided into 19 counties covering Kent, Sussex, Surrey, Croydon, London and Middlesex. Click on the LaSER logo to visit their site.
Within the world of Girlguiding the county of Sussex is split into three areas: Sussex East, Sussex West and Sussex Central.  Girlguiding Sussex East covers the East of the county of Sussex from Rye through to Brighton and Hove, including Hastings, Bexhill, Eastbourne, Uckfield, Crowborough and Lewes.
County Map

The county is split into 12 Divisions, most of which support a number of Districts which are listed below
Bexhill : No Districts
Brighton East : Deans, Kingscliff
Brighton West : Patcham, Preston Park, The Hill
Eastbourne : No Districts
Hastings : No Districts
Hove : East, North, Portslade
Lewes : Caburn, Windmill
Rother : Crowborough, Wadhurst
Rye : Battle, Brede, Robertsbridge
Seahaven : Newhaven, Peacehaven, Seaford
St Leonards : No Districts
Weald : Hailsham, Heathfield, Uckfield
County President - Glyn Martin
County Commissioner - Bev Boakes
Assistant County Commissioners - Sharon Brown, Ruth Heyes, Naomi Brindley
Supported by the County Team, comprising chairs of the County Committees:
Adult Support - Janet Whittle
Programme Initiatives - Jacci Milne
Marketing & Communications - Tori Wheeler
Picketts Wood - Jennie Lamb
Finance - Ann Longhurst
The County Executive, which generally meets once a term, comprises the above, plus the appointed Division Commissioners for their areas who report to the Executive, plus such other Advisers, Co-ordinators and Members as may be requested to attend from time to time.